Joris Kluivers

I like to build software.

Google Summer of Code

A few more minutes and the Google Summer of Code 2007 (GSoC 2007) student application deadline will pass! I submitted three applications in total for the following organizations:
For the Swarm Development Group I applied to integrate the Swarm library with the Cocoa framework. This is one of the ideas proposed by the Swarm developers.

For the other two organizations I came up with my own project of which I think the project communities will benefit from.

More information on my reasons for choosing the proposed projects and the full project applications as submitted to google will be posted online soon. Accepted student applications will be published by google on the GSoC 2007 homepage on April 11.

The student application deadline has been extended to 16:00 UTC march 27.

Update 2:
Because of the extended deadline I decided to submit another application, this time for the Eclipse foundation. This brings the total amount of my applications to 4, which I think is a reasonable amount (even though 20 are allowed by google).


Thanks for writing this.